About Hammer and Potato: Hammer works with non-profit organizations, creating, implementing and supporting programs for youth and children. Potato works in the technology space, creating, implementing and supporting programs for the communications industry. During their spare time, they enjoy unlocking the mysteries of the kitchen through the help of pinterest and flipboard, while doing yoga in grassy areas when things are in the oven.

History of Hammer and Potato: A lot of people have been asking about why we called this blog hammer and potato, which is an odd name for a food blog. Thanks to the wonderful world of the internet, it started off with some of our favorite rage comics. Our other friends (yes, we have other friends) didn't find these comics as funny as we did. Jokes such as "stop being a hammer" and "you're such a potato" were frequently brought up when things would go wrong in the kitchen hence, these activities were dubbed "kitchen adventures." The idea of having something to document "the adventures of hammer and potato" eventually came up as the list of recipes and restaurants grew longer, and here we are now trying to explain how our blog was named after some rage comics, which you can find below.
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