Thursday 27 June 2013

Clean eating: asian chicken salad and green juice

A lot of yoga advocates are into healthy regimes and juice cleanses and all that wonderful good stuff. We, unfortunately, are not, just because sometimes grease and lots of sugar is great--even if it kind of makes you feel gross after. 

We're hoping occasional clean eating gives us brownie points for trying to be healthy. We kind of got excited on a trip to the produce shop after work because all the summer fruits were lined up in the stands so the menu called for a healthy and clean meal for dinner - salad and fresh juice!

I (potato) actually have a centrifugal juicer -- because I'm cheap and you can get them at amazon for about $70 dollars as opposed to a $400 masticator, the equivalent of the BMW for juicers. The good? It's fast and easy and I spend less time chopping things up. The bad? I can't store my juice overnight and I get slightly less yield. Today's juicy recipe is a basic (and by basic, we mean the opposite of acidic) green juice with the following veggies/fruits: 

1 granny smith apple
1/3 large cucumber
2 stalks of kale 
2 celery stems

NOTE: A kale-cucumber-celery combination is more on the savoury side with a basic taste (if that's ever a term). If you're more of a sweet juice fan, we suggest adding 1 more apple.

Here is the result. 
healthy (for real this time) green juice. Some people might think it's gross but it's surprisingly refreshing mind you...

The next part of this meal consisted of an asian chicken salad. Here it goes:

1 can mandarin oranges (oops. maybe not all fresh ingredients)
1 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp vinegar
1/4 tsp sugar (big fan of sour things. sweeten more if you like)
1 pinch of pepper

NOTE: We left a bit of the syrup of the mandarin oranges in the mix while we drained most of it out. How much you keep depends on how sweet you like your dressing. 

Chicken breast: 
*** Season chicken breast with salt and pepper. Lightly coat a pan with oil (olive or canola) and pan fry until cooked inside (where it's white and not pink). Dice cooked chicken breast. 

Finally, we used mixed greens and dumped everything together. 

Voila! Asian chicken salad!

Here is the final product! Clean eating for a weeknight dinner!

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